European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015
The scientific programme of the General Assembly 2015 includes Union Symposia, Interdivision Sessions, Educational and Outreach Symposia, as well as oral, poster and PICO sessions on disciplinary and interdisciplinary topics covering the full spectrum of the geosciences and the space and planetary sciences. Furthermore, Key Note and Medal Lectures, Great Debates, Short Courses, Townhall Meetings, and Splinter Meetings complete the overall programme. The theme of the EGU2015 is 'A voyage through scales' – an invitation to contemplate the earth’s extraordinary variability extending from milliseconds to its age, from microns to the size of the planet.
Representatives from the projects transitioning into Future Earth will be present at the General Assembly, including in the following sessions:
Sunday 12th April 2015
Key Contact Workshop
8:30 – 17:30, Café Landtmann's Bel Etage, Vienna, Austria
The Mountain Research Initiative will kick off the week on 12th April with a Key Contact Workshop. This workshop aims to include scientific exchange and networking with a taste of Vienna. The KCW is a full-day event and free of charge. For more information and to apply, visit the website.
Monday 13th April 2015
PAGES Arctic2k working group meeting
17:30 – 20:00, Room R2
The PAGES Working Group (WG) on arctic climate during the last two millennia, Arctic2k, was launched in March 2008 (read article) to generate and synthesize high-resolution paleoclimate data to assess and elucidate both the timing and variability of the Arctic climate change during this period. The group reached two successful milestones with the data collection and temperature reconstruction expressed in the benchmark paper by the PAGES2k Consortium paper (2013) and a subsequent revision of the Arctic2k proxy database (2014).
Tuesday 14th April 2015
Elevation-dependent warming: What’s next?
10:30 – 12:00, Room R2
The Mountain Research Initiative will host a splinter workshop to explore future actions within Elevation-Dependent Warming (EDW) Concerted Effort. Experts will share their views on what needs to be done and why in panel and plenum discussion. Want to join the discussion? Sign up here.
CH-AT Mountain Mixer
17:30 – 20:00, Room R2
The CH-AT Mountain Mixer targets early-career scientists from Austria and Switzerland: Have a glass of wine with leading mountain researchers from Austria and Switzerland. Hear about their experiences and exchange ideas.
Wednesday 15th April 2015
Exploring the diversity of mountain observing sites
10:30 – 12:00, Room r10
The Mountain Research Initiative will host a second splinter meeting that builds on the outcomes of the 2014 Global Fair and Workshop on Mountain Observatories to explore the concept of a “mountain observatory” in greater detail. Researchers will introduce their observing sites in short "snapshot presentations" and then discuss how to integrate disparate observations into a global mountain observing network. Want to join the discussion? Sign up here.
Thursday 16th April 2015
Studying the climate of the last two millennia
Orals 10:30 – 12:00 /13:30 – 17:00, Room Y9
Posters (Attendance) 17:30 – 19:00, Blue Posters
This session aims to highlight integrative paleoclimate research with a focus on climate variations during the past 2000 years.
The session is co-sponsored by the PAGES 2k project.
Twenty years of paleoceanographic research within the International Marine Global Changes (IMAGES) program on board the R V. Marion Dufresne (co-organized)
Orals 13:30 – 17:00, Room Y4
Posters/Attendance 17:30 – 19:00, Blue Posters
2015 will mark the 20th anniversary of the international IMAGES program and the 20th anniversary of its emblematic coring platform: the R.V. Marion Dufresne II. In order to celebrate this anniversary and in anticipation of future paleoceanographic activities of the MD, this session welcomes scientific contributions about paleoceanographic research based on the “MD” giant piston cores.
What role for young scientists in the climate change debate?
17:30 – 19:00, Room B2
Dr Thorsten Kiefer (PAGES International Project Office, Bern, Switzerland) will speak on behalf of Future Earth and will present their work on engaging young and early career scientists.
After the presentations, there will be a short debate on communicating climate change science both to the public as well as across disciplines, and which specific actions young scientists can take in the climate change debate on the short term.
Mountain Research Initiative Mountain Mixer
17:30 to 20:00, Room Y7
Ready to unwind after a long week of talks and presentations? Join the Mountain Research Initiative for a drink and share your new ideas, contacts and enthusiasm with other mountain researchers at the Mountain Research Initiative Mountain Mixer. Space is limited, so don't forget to register early.
All through EGU…
Mountain Research Initiative's #SketchYourScience project is back! First launched at the Ecological Society of America meeting in 2014, #SketchYourScience uses Twitter to introduce mountain researchers attending EGU. If you would like to participate, please contact Erin Gleeson.
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