Future Earth Finland Townhall Meeting – participatory workshop to map out key priorities in global change research
Achieving sustainability in a world subject to global change requires understanding the links between environmental and societal change. Challenges related to resilience, governance models, resource efficiency, technology, business, trade, equity, and poverty are interlinked: a change in one component will cascade to many others.
Creating solutions that will lead to sustainability requires establishing a new interaction and partnership culture between researchers and society. Solutions-oriented global change research requires joint framing and co-design of research between producers and end-users of scientific knowledge.
Mission of the Townhall Meeting
This Townhall Meeting invites scientists and stakeholders from civil society, governance, and business to discuss and map out the key priorities in global change research: what is essential to understand, what kind of information do we need and in which format, how should we study the phenomena, and what is the role of stakeholders in global change research?
This workshop is organized by the Future Earth Finland national committee for global change research. The committee acts as the national platform Future Earth.
The discussion on the research priorities will use as its starting point the key challenges identified in the Future Earth Strategic Research Agenda. The Agenda will be presented by Heinz Gutscher from the Future Earth Science Committee.
The Townhall meeting is part of the Future Earth Finland Living Lab of Global Change Research – an interdisciplinary and multi-actor network which aims to create an interface between research, decision-making, business, and civil society. The input from the discussions will be collected, summarized and used to develop the activities of Living Lab network.
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