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Future Oceans – Research for marine sustainability: multiple stressors, drivers, challenges and solutions

Date: March 21, 2014

The IMBER Open Science Conference 2014 will provide an international, open forum for marine researchers and research end-users to share their knowledge and experience. The ultimate goal is to foster collaborative, interdisciplinary marine research that addresses human-natural marine science issues in the Anthropocene, towards evidence-based solutions and options related to marine issues at local, regional and global levels, and to provide guidance for decision makers, managers and communities towards marine sustainability.

Plenary speakers at the conference include Future Earth Science Committee member Corinne Le Quéré, who will speak on perspectives on Future Earth for the marine science community.

The IMBER OSC 2014 will be complemented by a several side events, including topical workshops with regional focus, and data management and capacity building workshops. World cafés, public lectures and panel discussions are also planned.

Who Should Attend?
  • Members of the research community interested in exchanging ideas on marine issues in the framework of global change and the transitions towards marine sustainability, including those from physical, natural and social sciences and humanities.
  • Policy advisors and decision makers concerned with the marine environment, fisheries and management of marine ecosystems, and other stakeholders including representatives from local communities and resource managers, fisheries organizations, and all those interested in exchanging ideas with the marine science community on information most useful for their decision-making needs.
  • Early career researchers (PhD students and post-doctoral researchers) with specialization in fields related to IMBER science and researchers from developing countries are especially encouraged to contribute. Some dedicated travel grants should be made available.
  • Representatives of international initiatives and organizations interested in sharing experiences or learning from IMBER-related activities for their research and education purposes.
  • Individual researchers who wish to provide input to the evolution of IMBER activities in the future marine research landscape.