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IMBER IMBIZO lV: Marine and human systems – Addressing multiple scales and multiple stressors

Date: March 11, 2015

IMBIZO lV is the fourth in IMBER's (Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research) successful IMBIZO* series. These meetings comprise concurrent but interacting workshops.The multiple stressors and drivers of global change in marine and human systems differ geographically, depending on whether they occur in coastal areas, the continental shelf, or the open ocean, and moreover, vary at temporal scales.

The challenge for ensuring sustainable governance of marine ecosystems and human societies in the future is the development of systems level understanding of the effects of global change at multiple scales. IMBIZO IV will explore the interactions of multiple drivers and stressors at different spatial and temporal scales. Of interest will be the global implications of the responses of marine biogeochemistry, ecosystems, and social and governance structures observed at these different spatial and temporal scales.

The proven IMBIZO format of concurrent and interacting workshops, with joint plenary and poster sessions will be followed. Workshops will be limited to approximately 40 participants to optimise interactions and discussions. Participants will be selected on the basis of their active interests in the topic, allowing for balance in scientific disciplines represented and geographic origin of the participants.

The topics of the four workshops are:

Workshop 1: Marine ecosystem-based governance: From rhetoric to reality

Workshop 2: Coastal upwelling ecosystems as models for interdisciplinary studies of climate and global change

Workshop 3: Integrated modelling to support assessment and management of marine social-ecological systems in the face of global change

Workshop 4: From regime shifts to novel systems – evaluating the social-ecological implications of lasting ecosystem changes for resource management

Submit an abstract to be considered for the workshop of your choice before 30 May 2015.

(*Zulu word for “a gathering”)