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IPBES Stakeholder Days

Date: January 21, 2016

The Stakeholder Days are open to all members, observers and stakeholders of IPBES, and are organized for a wide range of interested organizations to:

  1. Provide an opportunity to better understand IPBES activities and the way IPBES works;
  2. Discuss stakeholders’ engagement with a focus on the ways and means to implement an engagement strategy to support the IPBES work programme;
  3. Discuss the structure and functioning of the stakeholders network;
  4. Exchange views on different topics listed on the IPBES-4 agenda, including an exchange of views with representatives of the IPBES Bureau and Multidisciplinary Expert Panel;
  5. Develop a collective statement to be delivered at the opening of the IPBES plenary session on behalf of the participating stakeholders; and
  6. Coordinate action to maximize stakeholder input into the IPBES-4 Plenary.

The sustainable use of biodiversity is fundamental to the well-being of current and future generations, yet the depletion and degradation of natural resources is increasingly destroying the life support systems on which humanity depends, i.e. food reserves, fuel, shelter, medicine, drinking water and the surrounding natural environment. How are national governments and experts working together through IPBES to address issues like sustainable use of biodiversity? How can you contribute as an individual or organisation to the IPBES process enriching assessment outcomes and implementing recommendations? These and many similar questions will be discussed during the Stakeholder Days.

Registration deadline is 5th February 2016.
Please note that the registration process is different from the one for the IPBES Plenary.

You can also contact the IPBES-4 Stakeholder Days project team via email for more information.

Please note that no financial support will be available.

The event will be held in English without translation facilities.

The Stakeholder Days facilitated by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Future Earth and other volunteers and will take place at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia.