Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016
This September, researchers, policy-makers, government representatives and practitioners will gather in Shanghai, China, at a conference taking a look at the future of cities. The event, called the Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016, will examine four key themes: "economically competetive urban futures," "sustainable and resilient urban futures," "equitable and inclusive urban societies" and "digitally supported urban futures."
The Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016 will run from 5 to 9 September. To learn more about the summit and explore the programme, visit the event website.
Xuemei Bai, a member of the Future Earth Science Committee, will also chair a panel at the summit. During that panel, titled "Future directions of urban research," experts from universities around the world will discuss recent breakthroughs in urban research and the Future Earth Cities Knowledge-Action Network – a new research effort that fosters collaboration among researchers and leaders working in a range of arenas relevant to cities and urban growth.
The panel will run from 9:00 to 9:45 CST (UTC + 8) on Friday, 9 September. From the panel description:
Urban expansion is expected to reach unprecedented levels in the next decades. There is a critical need to ensure that cities follow the development pathways that contribute to sustainability across scales. Future Earth, a 10-year global research platform on sustainability, will be launching Future Earth Cities Knowledge-Action Network (KAN) at UN Habitat III Conference this October, aiming at providing a global research and engagement platform on sustainable urbanization and cities. The panelists will discuss what are the key breakthroughs of the past decade on urban research and the remaining knowledge gaps, and identify research priorities for sustainable cities that can be further developed under the Cities KAN.
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