Transformations 2019 Conference seeks abstracts and proposals
The overarching theme of the conference is “Learning from transformative action and thinking”, where there is a huge unexplored knowledge captured in society, in action, that can inform theory and science, while science has the potential of informing practice, creating a cross fertilization between practice and theory. Practitioners, social actors, case studies, and local contexts will have a central role in the conference, with the aim of learning from successes and failures, to give recommendations to support transformative changes for addressing climate change and other contemporary societal and environmental challenges.
The conference will be held for the first time in a less developed country, which provides multiple benefits. By increasing the participation of practitioners and scientists from developing country contexts, knowledge will be expanded by the richness and diversity of transformation processes that have emerged spontaneously in less developed countries. It will also include unique knowledge coming, for example, from the ancestral knowledge that is context dependent, all of these offering renewed ideas. One of the characteristics that differentiates less and more developed countries is that social-natural disasters often cause more population mortality in less developed countries. Under climate change, climate-related disasters are expected to be more frequent and severe; therefore, one of the themes of the conference will be on disasters, in order to support the improvement of Disaster Risk Reduction.
We are inspired by the unique opportunity of joining together scientists and practitioners from different contexts and realities, and within the framework and focus of the conference. We warmly invite you to participate by submitting abstracts, practice sessions and workshops from any government or private organisation, civil society or academia, in one of the six themes of the conference.
Important dates (midnight CLST UTC-03)
- Abstracts and proposals submission deadline: 3rd of March 2019
- Abstracts and proposals notification of outcome: 17th of April 2019
- Registration for authors of accepted abstracts and proposals: 28th of June 2019
For more information and to submit abstracts and proposals, please visit the Transformations 2019 website.
February 11, 2019AUTHOR
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