Webinar: Research Funding Opportunity on Disaster Risk, Reduction and Resilience
Hosted by the Belmont Forum on May 2, 2019 at 7-8 AM EST.
The Belmont Forum has recently launched an international research call on Disaster Risk, Reduction and Resilience. This funding opportunity responds to the growing need for assessment and reduction of disaster risk, collaborative co-design of resilience strategies with a breadth of stakeholders, and scientifically and technologically enhanced responses to disasters. For this call, we define disasters as extreme environmental events that negatively impact coupled human-natural systems, including but not limited to impacts on economic, health, infrastructure, and social subsystems. Extreme environmental events may be generated by natural forces, including climate change, and/or anthropogenic causes. Six international funders will provide support for this opportunity: Brazil: Sao Paulo Research Foundation, Chinese Taipei: Ministry of Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Qatar National Research Fund, UK Research and Innovation and the U.S. National Science Foundation.
Proposals are due by June 10, 2019.
Please join us for a webinar on May 2, 2019 at 7-8 AM EST, for an overview of how international consortia can participate. Webinar participants can ask questions online or submit them ahead of time to Makyba Charles-Ayinde (makcharl@nsf.gov).
Webinar Information
Weblink: https://nsf2.webex.com/nsf2/e.php?
MTI D=m2d7 c4b61 cc 76fd927 c2be64851387fc1
Dial-in: +81-345-786724 (Japan) / +44-203-457-5798 (U.K.) / 1-510-210-8882 (USA)
Meeting number (access code): 909 001 891
Meeting password: DR3cra!
Read the call for proposals here.
April 26, 2019AUTHOR
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